The LED Camping Lantern And Camping Tent Fan is a camping lantern that is ideal for BBQ, emergency, hurricane, storm, power outage, camping, backpacking, hiking or fishing, etc. Theseled camping lights have18 pcs bright LED lens that is bright enough to make sure you never stumble in the dark when camping. Fan rolling speed of this tent fan is adjustable, with high speed and low speed - 2 fan rolling speed modes. Just charge as your mind. The camping lantern comes with a hook that easies to take or hang it in the tent, on trees or any other places.
LED Camping Lantern And Camping Tent Fan is a camping lantern that is super useful for camping so you can make your way around the campsite and your tent easily in the dark. The tent fan has high and low settings to provide nice air circulation and lit up the tent nicely. You can orient it in so many positions. This LED Camping Lantern And Camping Tent Fan is a led lantern that is extremely lightweight build and allows you to take your camping lantern on the go with ease. When not in use collapse the camping lanternto a smaller size and store it effortlessly, taking little space.
With 360-degree adjustable lighting angle, the camping lantern can be applied to all kinds of places use.
It's a great choice for a trip or camping, this led camping light hasboth light, and camping fan, both bright and cooling feeling.
These camping lights are lightweight and durable. D batteries required (best with Polaroid D batteries).
Includes 18 super bright LED bulbs, the camping lantern provides enough brightness while enjoying the great outdoors.